Delta Phi Epsilon
Alumni Page
We are trying to get a hold of all of our past alum. If you are an alum of the Epsilon Eta Chapter from Fredonia, please fill out this form with any updates you can give us. It will be directly emailed to our Alumni chair. Thank you!
How to get Linked to the Alumni Listserv: Send an email to listserv@listserv.fredonia.eduIn the body of the email type-Subscribe DPhiE-Alumni Your NameLeave the subject line blank and remove any signaturesYou will receive an email from the listserv manager followthe instructions to confirm your membership.Once you confirm your membership you will receive an emailwith the listserv's instructions - save this for futurereference.To post to the listserv send the email (only members of thelistserv can post)Questions contact
Send an email to listserv@listserv.fredonia.eduIn the body of the email type-Subscribe DPhiE-Alumni Your NameLeave the subject line blank and remove any signaturesYou will receive an email from the listserv manager followthe instructions to confirm your membership.Once you confirm your membership you will receive an emailwith the listserv's instructions - save this for futurereference.To post to the listserv send the email (only members of thelistserv can post)Questions contact